Insurance Coverage/Bad Faith Claims
When you file an insurance claim, whether with your own insurance company or another driver’s insurer, you are entitled to certain expectations. While you can expect the process to be a hassle, you can also expect the insurance companies to handle your claim in good faith. Although the insurance companies are well within their rights to deny coverage when a claim falls outside of their policyholder’s coverage, when a claim is covered, the law prohibits them from treating claimants unfairly. If you believe that your claim has been wrongfully denied, you may be entitled to compensation for insurance bad faith.
At Law Offices of Ronald A. Ramos, we have seen more than our fair share of cases of insurance bad faith. With more than 30 years of experience representing accident victims and their families, we have handled thousands of insurance claims, and we have seen it all when it comes to insurance companies trying to find ways to take advantage of drivers, passengers, and their loved ones. If you have been trying unsuccessfully to receive payment for injuries you suffered in an accident, you deserve better, and San Antonio insurance bad faith lawyer Ronald A. Ramos can make sure you receive just compensation.
Examples of Bad Faith Insurance Practices
Bad faith insurance practices can take many forms. If you have experienced any of the following, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your auto accident plus additional compensation for insurance bad faith:
The insurance company failed to conduct a timely and unbiased investigation of your claim.
The insurance company is unreasonably delaying the processing of your claim.
The insurance company is pushing you to accept “low ball” settlement offers that are far less than the value of your claim.
The insurance company has misrepresented the terms of your (or the at-fault driver’s) insurance policy or any applicable provision of Texas law.
The insurance company is refusing to consider verified facts or evidence from the investigation of the accident.
The insurance company has accused you of violating the law or threatened legal action against you.
The insurance company denied your claim without providing a reasonable basis for the denial.
This is just a sampling of some of the most-common examples of insurance bad faith. If you have run into any issue with your insurance claim, or if you are concerned about dealing with the insurance companies and would like us to handle the process for you, we encourage you to get in touch. Your initial consultation is free and confidential, and you pay us nothing unless we help you win just compensation.
Contact Us about Your Auto Accident Insurance Claim
When dealing with the insurance companies, it can be difficult to know when an issue crosses the line from the ordinary hassles of claim processing to insurance bad faith. To protect your rights, it is important that you hire an attorney to review your claim as soon as possible. For a free, no-obligation consultation with an experienced San Antonio insurance bad faith lawyer, please call (210) 308-8811 or contact us online today.
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